Smart Exploitation of the
Renewable Energy
Situated Under Our Cities
- June 9th 2022, 4PM
- Platinia Conference Hall Monet

Inspiring our cities transformation towards sustainability
The event organized by Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN), together with École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), under the patronage of the Ministry of Energy - Direction of Energy Efficiency, will have an emphasized practical character, aiming towards supporting the sustainable development of communities.
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Lyesse
EPFL Professor, Board Member, Technology Founder, Consultant
“Innovative Solutions for Geothermal Energy Exploitation at Level of Our Cities”

Special Guests

Dan Tarcea
Vice Mayor of Cluj-Napoca
“Cluj-Napoca, a city shaping its community towards renewable energy exploitation and sustainability”

Șerban Țigănaș
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
“The Architecture of Sustainability, between State of Mind, Lifestyle and Business”

Dorin Beu
Professor at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca & President of RoGBC Transilvania
“Green Certification - From certified buildings to certified communities”

Eugen Opritescu
Counselor Ministry of Energy Direction of Energy Efficiency
Counselor Ministry of Energy Direction of Energy Efficiency

Iulia Prodan
Univ. Lecturer at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca & Founder GreenTAGS
The event will be
structured in two parts:
Part 1: Presentations
Part 2: Social Networking Session
Find out more in our detailed program.
Learning about new renewable energy exploitation solutions
Opportunity to interact
with leading specialists in
the field
Networking prospects
with specialists involved
in construction projects